Understanding the Balance Sheet
B1. Introduction to Fin Statement NEW
B2. Fundamental Analysis and the importance of Financial Statements
B3. Preview
B4. The Assets Liabilities and their Balance
B5. Why is Owners money a liability for the company
B6. What is contained in a balance sheet
B7. Significance of Retained Earnings or Reserves and Surplus
B8. Debt Equity ratio and its significance
B9. Snapshot of a balance sheet
B10. Understanding Share capital, R&S and its significance
B11. Understanding Current Assets, current Liabilities etc
B12. Understanding the Operating cycle or Working Capital cycle
B13. Significance of Working Capital
B14. How to look at and what to look for in a bal sheet
B15. Understanding the Golden Rule
B16. Analysis of the Balance Sheet Part 1
B17. Analysis of the balance sheet Part 2
B18. Key Takeaways from the balance sheet
Understanding the Profit and Loss Statement
B19. Inrtoduction to PnL or Income Statement
B20. Understanding the PnL or Income Statement
B21. Top Line and Bottom Line-Psychological Aspects
B22. Analysis of PnL or Income Statement
B23. Key takeaways from a PnL statement
Understanding the Cash Flow Statement
B24. Introduction to Cash Flow Statement
B25. How does Cash Flow
B26. Significance of Cash Flow statement
B27. Parameters of a Cash Flow statement
B28. Understanding Cash Flow from Various Activities
B29. Analysis of Cash Flow Statement Part 1
B30. Analysis of Cash Flow Statement Part 2
B31. Key Takeaways from Cash Flow statement
Ratio Analysis
B32. Significance of Ratio Analysis
B33. Understanding the Face Value and Book Value
B34. Understanding the Market Price of a Share
B35. Understanding EPS
B36. Understanding the PE Ratio
B37. Analysis of Debt Equity Ratio
B38. Understanding ROE
B39. Understanding the PB Ratio
B40. Understanding Current Ratio
B41a. Summary and way Forward. Part 1
B41b. Summary and way Forward. Part 2
Add On Lessons
Query on PE answered
0. Add On introduction
1. Query on PE answered
2. What is better...Part 1
3. What is better...Part 2
3. What is better...Part 3
4. What is PEG Ratio Whom to believe if Recommendations are Conflicting Q
5. What is PEG Ratio Whom to believe if Recommendations are Conflicting Ans
10. Q6. Golden Rule being flouted. How do I Analyze.
6. Case Study when parameters contradict. Q
7. Case Study when parameters contradict. A
8. When Global Rating Agencies Contradict...Can I be right. Q
9. When Global Rating Agencies Contradict...Can I be right. A
10. Q6. Golden Rule being flouted. How do I Analyze.
Preview - Fundamental Analysis. Understanding Financial Statements (6.5 Hours)
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